Sunday 7 February 2010

Bad Eye

Did you all enjoy seeing old Tony Blair again?

You know that I cannot stand the little beggar - never have. When he became PM I was writing a column for the Daily Telegraph and someone asked - why did I not write a column about Blair? So I did, AND I told it like it was. I said that in veterinary terms he had a bad eye and no one should consider buying the bugger should they have the chance. After that the roof fell on me - I got letters saying that Blair was the best thing since sliced bread - that he was the only chance for Britain to become Great again and what was the matter with his eye.

It just happened that I had been to Appleby Horse Fair and I had seen several gypsy lads riding about on those Palomino ponies (things with cream manes and tails and great rolling blue eyes and terrible temperaments) - that is what I call a bad eye. This I explained to my readers was what I meant about a bad eye - It was all to do with temperament and I reckoned that Blair had a dodgy temperament. In fact I called him a snake oil salesman. Nothing that has happened since has changed my judgement of that time. I stood by it then and I stand by it today. The 'Bad Eye' is still something that I mistrust instinctively and I have seldom been mistaken. I am afraid that I felt the same about the last Princess of Wales, whom I always felt would bring trouble. That brought the ceiling down on my head too - poor sad girl, and what about Bliar? Can anyone say that he has not been trouble? - and brought more of it around all those who have trusted and believed him . Well thank God that none can accuse me of making that mistake. I was horrified when I heard that Blair was in line for some sort of head shed ness in the foremost ranks of Europe - I have never thought much of Europe - but surely they could not be as stupid as that? - and in the end they the Euros napped at the idea and quite right too. Not even the French could be as stupid as that - could they? Well, I do hope not, in fact I hope that Blair disappears back to wherever he has been hiding, I think that he is supposed to be keeping the peace in the world. Do you really think that he has earned the thick wedge that he gets every week / month?

Anyway, I do not know how many of you listened to Claire Short talking to Chilcot yesterday. I have always thought of Ms Short as a pretty tiresome woman and I was not surprised when Blair chucked her out of his Cabinet. She loves TB even less than I do. Anyway, she didn't half pitch into the little bugger yesterday and gave him a right good gliff around his lug, which he well deserves. The unfortunate Iraqis do not deserve all the troubles in which Blair left them and where this government will quite happily continue to leave them.

If you get a chance, get a DVD called The Trial of Tony Blair. It won't happen; even If it should, but it might give you something to dwell on - it cheered me up just thinking that it might - hope springs eternal.


  1. I found my way to this blog due to reading the November edition of Hounds. So Willy, are you going to let your pen 'draw the covers' of the assembled political packs, as we run up to the election? One of my cherished photographs is one of you and the Late Sir Newton Rycroft, both on your feet in animated conversation at Witherington Farm, Stanlynch. Clearly talking about hounds. You both havethat look that only masters of hounds have, when they are talking about the subject closest to their hearts. But back to the election, it is not a foregone concludion by any means. So Willy, maybe from your French 'earth' you can ravage a few 'political chicken coups'. For god's sake, it needs somebody to come out and tell it like it is, instead of all these mealy mouthed politicians, who think they can bury the subject of hunting in some clinical capsule to be dug up, only when it suits them. Some stirring Churchillian words are required. Years ago I had a hunting book, where it is now I can only gusess. But in it, was a press cutting, about a trooper with a cavalry regiment in WWII, who was interviewed by a war correspondent and asked the question, "why he thought he was going to war". The answer, "to keep foxhunting". Bearing in mind Hitler had already banned the sport. Just before the ban I tried to persuade folk that Blair was not unlike Hitler, who 'believed' he was right, he Blair, effectively did what Hitler did in terms of banning foxhunting and going to war without a mandate. Although I don't think Hitler actually said, as did Blair when asked about going to war in Iraq, "god told me to go to war". I bet he did not tell him to ban hunting!

  2. Just one last point, in case somebody thinks they can post as the writer (anonymous). When push comes to shove, should some blogger not be who he/she purports to be and 'runs a heel line' only somebody with the picture, would be able to answer as to their collective pedigree.

  3. There is only one argument - Hitler Banned Foxhunting - Tony Blair Banned Foxhunting - Hitler went to war without a legal mandate - Tony Blair went to war without a legal mandate. Hitler shot himself - Tony Blair has yet to do the decent thing. Hitler's minions were tried and hanged on the gallows at Nuremberg
